Friday, January 12, 2024

Trump and Jesus got their own Thing going.

 by Rod Williams, Jan. 12, 2023- This is Trump's bizarre posting to Truth Social on Monday during his civil fraud trial.  Just when I think things in Trump World can't get any weirder, they do. 

Trump doesn't say this is Jesus. He just repost it from someone who says it is accurate and says nobody could have made it this far alone.

Actually, I don't think that is the real Jesus. I have seen the picture of Jesus holding the lamb, and the one of the last supper and I think Jesus has a softer gentler look. However, Jesus doesn't look too gentle chasing the money changers out of the temple, so maybe this is the real Jesus. I don't know. 

Also, if this is Jesus, I don't know is if Jesus is a co-defendant or a defense attorney. Trump's attorney has been hottie Alina Habba, whom it is rumored is Trump's new lover.  However, some have criticized her as doing a lousy job representing Trump. “With Alina Habba handling discovery, you know, that’s not something where I think anybody was really at the wheel,” said Tim Parlatore, former Trump attorney.  He said the Trump legal team has been handling his New York civil fraud trial so messily that they may not even be trying to obtain a ruling in their favor. 

Anyway, I am sure in a fraud trial like this it is good to have Jesus on your side, if in fact that is Jesus. 

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