Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Beacon Center releases 2023 Pork Report

by Rod Williams, Dec. 13, 2023- Today, the Beacon Center released its annual Pork Report, showcasing the most offensive examples of wasteful spending across the state of Tennessee. Examples in this year’s report range from the city of Knoxville’s expensive attempt to skirt open records laws to the state’s $200 million handout to the Tennessee Performing Arts Center.

Other 2023 Pork Report entries included:

  • The nearly $5 million taxpayer subsidy given by the state of Tennessee, the city of Franklin, and Williamson County to benefit the California burger chain In-N-Out’s move to Tennessee.
  • The large property tax increases in counties such as Rutherford, Greene, and Lincoln instead of getting their fiscal house in order.
  • Memphis giving out over $1 million to yet another failing TV show on the verge of cancelation.

From Jackson buying an abandoned strip mall to the city of Bristol (Tennessee) paying $5 million to move a summer league baseball team’s stadium a few miles away, there is plenty of waste featured in this report. 

To view the report, follow this link

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