Monday, October 16, 2023

You Might be Right: What can we do about gun violence?

by Rod Williams, Oct. 16, 2023- This is the first episode of the You Might be Right podcast where co-hosts and former Tennessee Governors Phil Bredesen and Bill Haslam discuss important issues of the day. In this issue, they discuss the gun violence. 

In the second half of the episode the governors are joined by David French, a political commentator, and author who regularly writes for The Dispatch, The Atlantic, and National Review.  David French is a native middle Tennessean of humble origin who rose to prominence as a political commentator.  I have seen him speak a couple times, once at First Tuesday and once at some other event.  He is scholarly and thoughtful, yet very relatable. I respect his opinions and like him a lot. 

French addresses the Second Amendment right to bare arms and recent supreme court rulings, the justification for an assault rifle, why the AR-15 is used for lawful purposes and is covered by the Second Amendment, and explains red flag laws and explains why, when properly written, they do not violate the constitution. 

Follow this link to listen to the podcast.  You can listen to the 44-minute podcast at X1.5 speed and not lose context. If you prefer to read the text of the podcast rather than listen, that is an option. 

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