Monday, September 18, 2023

Two-Thirds of College Students Think Shouting Down A Public Speaker Can Be Acceptable

Harvard University obtaining the lowest ranking in the survey's history
—and gaining the first ever "abysmal" speech climate ranking from the group. 
by EMMA CAMP, Reason, Sept 6, 2023 - According to a new survey, only one-third of college students
say it's never acceptable to shout down a controversial campus speaker. And one-quarter think using violence can be acceptable in at least some circumstances to stop someone from speaking on campus.

This week, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a First Amendment nonprofit released its fourth annual College Free Speech Rankings. The survey polled more than 55,000 students from nearly 250 colleges and universities.

The survey asked students about a wide range of speech-related issues, ranging from how students perceive their administration's support for free expression to whether speakers on controversial subjects, like abortion and transgender rights, should be allowed to speak on campus. ... (link)

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