Saturday, January 07, 2023

The “conservative hardliners” opposed McCarthy and the "moderates" or “the establishment” supported him. Really?

by Jonah Goldberg, The Dispatch, Jan 6, 2023- ... the idea that there’s a coherent and consistent intellectual and ideological motivation to the 20 or so Republican “rebels” is nonsense. There are members of the House Freedom Caucus supporting McCarthy and there are members who aren’t. Chip Roy’s stated reasons for opposing McCarthy are simply different from Matt Gaetz’s or Lauren Boebert’s. There are very serious conservative people on both sides of the fight. There are very unserious conservative people on both sides of the fight. There are performative MAGA poltroons in both camps. But, partly because of the dearth of adequate vocabulary, the rebels get called “hard right” or “conservative hardliners,” and the McCarthy supporters get called moderates or defenders of “the establishment.”

... It's all nonsense. ...  The idea that there is a powerful, moderate, establishment keeping the real conservatives down is false. (link)

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