Wednesday, November 23, 2022

AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Nashville will host an in-person event with William J. Luther, Nov 29. "Why Are Prices So High?"


AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Nashville will host an in-person event with William J. Luther, associate professor of economics at Florida Atlantic University and director of the American Institute for Economic Research’s Sound Money Project.

Prices have risen rapidly over the last two years. Some claim prices are higher due to supply constraints. Others blame the Federal Reserve. Dr. William Luther assesses these two views and considers the likelihood that inflation will remain high well into the future.

Eventbrite Ticket Required. Register Here.

More about the speaker: William J. Luther is an associate professor of economics at Florida Atlantic University and director of the American Institute for Economic Research’s Sound Money Project. The Social Science Research Network currently ranks him in the top five percent of business authors. Luther has published articles in leading scholarly journals. His work has been featured by major media outlets, including NPR, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, TIME Magazine, U.S. News & World Report, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, National Review, The Guardian, POLITICO, and VICE News. He earned his MA and PhD in Economics at George Mason University.

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