Wednesday, June 08, 2022

House Passes Democrats’ Gun Measures as Senate Talks Continue. House Votes to Increase Semi-Automatic Rifle Purchase Age to 21

by Siobhan Hughes, Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2022 -WASHINGTON—The Democratic-controlled House passed a broad package of measures intended to reduce gun violence, while parents and other witnesses shaken by mass shootings in their communities beseeched lawmakers at a congressional hearing to act to prevent further deaths.

The House bill, approved 223 to 204 largely along party lines, pulls together a series of gun measures that have backing in the Democratic Party but little support among Republicans, making the proposal a nonstarter in the evenly split Senate, where 60 votes are required to advance most legislation. Senate negotiators are working on a narrower set of proposals, centered on school security, supporting state red-flag laws and adding juvenile records to background checks, to keep guns out of the hands of potentially dangerous people. (link)


House Votes to Increase Semi-Automatic Rifle Purchase Age to 21

National Review, June 8. 2022- On Wednesday, as part of a slate of bills aimed at curbing mass shootings and gun violence, the House voted to increase the age required to purchase a semi-automatic rifle from 18 to 21.

The vote was 228 to 199, with ten Republicans joining Democrats in supporting the measure. Those GOP members were Representatives Fitzpatrick, Gonzalez, Jacobs, Katko, Kinzinger, Malliotakis, Salazar, Smith, Turner, and Upton. (link)

Rod's Comment: I support increasing the age to purchase AR-15 type weapons to age 21. I will have more to say on the issue in a future post. It is time for sensible legislation to reduce gun violence. 

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