Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What happened at the Metro Council meeting of Thursday May 5th Council meeting: Delays, Deferrals and Late Filings

by NICOLE WILLIAMS, Nashville Scene, MAY 9, 2022 - .... Council was forced to defer a zoning bill in CM Robert Swope’s district. .... 

The administration brought a late-filed resolution — as this particular administration is wont to do — to approve a five-year contract with Waste Management. Y’all may have heard we’ve had some trash problems lately. Anyway, I guess the administration thought the best way to handle the situation was to spring a five-year contract on the Council with a day or two to review it. What could possibly go wrong?

 ... Three years ago, the (then-Briley) mayoral administration attempted to purchase 88 Hermitage Ave., a state-owned property home to an old building that once housed the Tennessee School for the Blind. The plan was to use the property to build a new Nashville School of the Arts. The price? $11.3 million. After much debate, the Council rejected the proposal. ...  John Cooper himself — voted against the deal. ... Now Cooper wants us to buy it. ...Council deferred action on the resolution. (read it all)

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