Wednesday, March 30, 2022

More weird Republicans: Rep. Madison Cawthorn. He alleges lawmakers invited him to orgies and openly snorted coke.

Rep. Madison Cawthorn
by Rod Williams, March 30, 2022- If you thought Marjorie Taylor Green was an embarrassment to Republicans, you need to meet Rep. Madison Cawthorn. Cawthorn has called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyg a thug and says he is pushing “misinformation on America.”  

Cawthorn has been one of the most bombastic and adamant spreaders of the big lie that the 2020 election was stolen and and warned that there could be “bloodshed” over any future rigged elections. “The things that we are wanting to fight for, it doesn’t matter if our votes don’t count,” he said at a Macon County Republican Party headquarters in Franklin, North Carolina. “Because, you know, if our election systems continue to be rigged, and continue to be stolen, then it’s going to lead to one place, and it’s bloodshed.” (link)

Recently he charged that some of his colleagues had invited him to orgies and snorted lines of cocaine in front of him. He described some of those he allegedly saw snorting coke as leaders of the national anti-addiction efforts. 

This is what the Washington Post reported:

In an interview last week with the “Warrior Poet Society” podcast, Cawthorn was asked whether the hit television show “House of Cards” was an accurate reflection of life in the nation’s capital. Cawthorn responded by talking about the “sexual perversion that goes on in Washington” and suggested that he had been invited to an “orgy” by an unnamed lawmaker.

“I mean, being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70 — you know, I look at all these people, a lot of them that I’ve always looked up to through my life, always paid attention to politics, guys that, you know. Then all of the sudden you get invited to, like, ‘Oh hey, we’re going to have kind of a sexual get-together at one of our homes. You should come,’ ” Cawthorn said in the interview, which was reported Sunday by Business Insider. “And I’m like, ‘What? What did you just ask me to come to?’ And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy.”

Since making the charges he has reportedly told Republican House leader Keven McCarthy that he exaggerated. 

Democrats may have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and  Ilhan Omar but as long as we have Marjorie Taylor Green and Madison Cawthorn, we don't have much room to criticize. It is time responsible Republicans stand up to the crazies in our party. He should be denied the right to run as a Republican and if elected the House should not allow him to caucus as a Republican. The nut-jobs need to be shunned, purged, and marginalized. 

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