Sunday, January 30, 2022

Council approves new redistricting maps. Metro Council and School Board district redrawn.

by Rod Williams, Jan. 30, 2021- Metro Council gave final, unanimous approval to new council and school board districts maps at the last meeting of the Metro Council.  The new districts are now official.  However, elected officials continue representing the distinct that now represent until the next election which is August 2023.

Every ten years council and school board districts are redrawn so each district represents close to the same number of people. This determination is based on federal census data. Davidson County grew by about 89,000 people since the 2010 U.S. census. Those areas that grew the most in population had to shrink in geographic size so each district represents about the same number of people. Some areas that grew at a slower rate than other areas had to have districts that cover more geographic area.

If you want to know more about how distinct will shift and which incumbent council members will lose many of their current constituents, these links address some of that: link, link, link.

Below are the maps for Council Districts and School Board. To dig deep and see details follow this link.

New Council Districts

New School Board Districts

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