Sunday, December 05, 2021

Yog Nepal Is a Poseur

Hattie Bryant
by Hattie Bryant, Dec. 2, 2021 - Yog Nepal, Dr. Yog Nepal and Nabin Nepal is the same person as far as I can tell.  He has a brochure that says he would like to be a Republican candidate for the Tennessee House of Representatives District 59.  About six months ago I personally met Mr. Nepal at a meeting where someone, I have no idea who, whispered to me that he is a physician who works at Vanderbilt.  I was impressed and happy that he was taking time on a Saturday morning to attend a meeting of Republican activists.

I believed the whisper.

Now that he has taken to crashing Republican meetings, I decided to vet this man.

By crashing I mean he arrives at events without making a reservation or paying the ticket price and begins passing out his brochure.  He was asked to leave the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women state convention which was held in October.  The woman in charge of reservations for a recent Nashville Republican Women luncheon meeting told me that he was asked to stop passing out brochures and to leave because he did not have a reservation.  He argued that he did.  He was wrong. 

 Are you ready?

In February 2020 he created a GoFundMe account and on November 23, 2021 when I took this screenshot you can see that he has raised $2,210.  

There are guidelines that must be followed by any person who wants to run for office.  Funds are not to be raised without putting proper paperwork and organization in place. You can see instructions for campaigns here: Qualifying Procedures for Tennessee House of Representatives

I called the Tennessee Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance and was told it has no record of Yog Nepal establishing a campaign. No person who wants to run for office can raise funds until they go to:

This form must be completed with the original filed with the Tennessee Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance.  If you are one of his donors, feel free to demand your donation be returned. 

What I have learned from veteran Davidson County Republicans tells me that he is a poseur.  My sources say:

  • At a fund raiser for a Republican candidate in 2019, Nepal told the candidate that he, Nepal, is a cardiologist at Vanderbilt.
  • At another event, Nepal told others that he is a cardiologist at St. Thomas.
  •  He has told some that he is a veterinarian.
  •  He told one woman that he is a nurse.
  •  Facebook posts that have been deleted stated he holds a Master’s in Physics & Nursing from Belmont University then a later post states he has a nursing assistant certificate from Belmont.

Truth is Vanderbilt and St. Thomas say they have never heard of Nepal, he is not a licensed physician or veterinarian in the state of Tennessee nor is he a registered nurse in the state of Tennessee. According to his own LinkedIn post, he has worked for Lycra Mobile since February 2013.  Another source tells me he works as a security guard for Allied Universal.

Nepal has worked at Happy Retales Animal Rescue and I have learned that there are no veterinarians employed there, only animal technicians.

This photo from one of his posts shows him posing as state vice chairman for the Tennessee Republican Party.

 Scott Golden, chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party, writes in an email to me, "He has never had an official or unofficial role with the TNGOP…..I did check his voting record, he voted in the Presidential primary and August Senate primary in 2020.  Voted in the 2016 presidential but missed the other 2 elections (Aug of 2016 and 2018) that would have counted toward his unquestioned bono fide status."

This means he does not have the voting record needed to be a bono fide Republican candidate.

Here’s an August 16, 2021 LinkedIn post. True, English is not Mr. Nepal’s first language and I suggested to him that he take down the title he gave to himself which he has done so you won’t find this today.In emails and texts between the two of us Mr. Nepal has provided many documents showing that he has a great deal of education and has told me that he has worked for years in healthcare.  After I saw this image I asked him, “What Nashville healthcare organizations have you worked in?  He did not answer that question.  I waited three days and asked again, and he did not answer. 

Nepal is creatively building his brand by nominating himself for awards.  As a member of the Bhutanese community, he has a built-in group of friends to cast votes his way. I have written to several of the entities he is said to be recognized by and have not heard back.  This happened to me during my first round of vetting Quincy McKnight (LinkLinkLink) who claims to do volunteer work for foster children.  Nepal and McKnight are playing us.

Nepal and McKnight also have track records we long-time Republicans don’t find appealing. We can trace Nepal back to being a Bernie supporter and McKnight to Instagram President Trump bashing.

Mr. Nepal says he is starting a home care business and I suggested to him that he focus on his personal life and stop his pursuit of public office.  Let’s hope he takes my advice. 

Hattie Bryant lives downtown Nashville and is active in civic affairs.  You can learn about her at

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  1. This indeed is worrisome. If what this article says is true, Mr. Nepal should be made answerable. Public office & trust should not be taken for a ride. It erodes the sanctity of the office & faith in the system.

  2. Hattie Bryan is Mental illness and she write unwanted messages.and she trying to stop the true voice .

    1. I’m from Bhutanese community living in Michigan. I have heard a lit bit from my friend living in Nashville TN and his suspicious activity. I think it’s time to draw attention of the authorities to find out the truth. It is good for him and clarify everything in public if he is a genuine person

  3. Yog Nepal is very good and hardworking men ,but Hattie’s Bryan is bad and mental illness

  4. Yog Nepal is good and very hardworking Sincerely men .I always support Yog .

  5. Yog Nepal is super talent and honest person in our American Society

  6. Above Artical is all wrong because what Yog doing is all correct.

  7. Yog Nepal is multi talent .so I always support

  8. Hatti Bryan is a socialist woman and she doesn't like Asian men .or women .and she is mental illness .my name is Jhon and I know that Bryan very well .yog Nepal is a supportive and good person .dodon't believe other
