Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Will Nashville become the Mecca of conservative influence in America?

by Rod Williams - Conservative social media platform Parler is moving its headquarters from Nevada to Nashville.  This follows the move of  The Daily Wire from Los Angeles to Nashville in November 2020. Turning Point USA, I think, is still officially headquartered in Pheonix Arizona but has a large operation here in Nashville.  This follows the move to Nashville of such conservative luminaries as economist Author Laffer, the creator of the "Laffer Curve;" Belmont School of Law Dean and former Bush Attorney General, Alberto Gonzoles; and former Lieutenant Governor of California Mike Crub, who has become a a civic leader and benefactor of Belmont University, Vanderbilt and Rhodes College in Memphis. 

The Belle Meade zip code is one of the top zip codes in the nation for contributions to Republican candidates across the nation. The state of Tennessee is one of the best ran states in the nation and votes reliably Republican.  With Nashville already being the home of the Southern Baptist Convention and the country music industry, elements of which are friendly to conservative values, and Nashville being home to national conservative radio personalities like the late Phil Valentine and money management guru Dave Ramsey and Nashville's own Carol Swain, and conservative columnist David French, Nashville may be poised to become the center of the conservative movement in America.  I doubt this would stop Nashville from electing ultra progressives to our school board and Metro Council, but it would be nice to live in the Mecca of American conservatism. 

I would welcome Fox News and National Review's relocation. 

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