Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Davidson County rep feels ire of motorists over emissions testing

BY: SAM STOCKARD, Tennessee Lookout, AUGUST 31, 2021 -State Rep. Darren Jernigan is getting an earful from constituents wondering why they have to keep testing car emissions while neighbors in surrounding counties won’t when 2022 rolls around. ... as of January 2022, Davidson will be the only county in the state to test emissions after surrounding counties opted out of a voluntary program approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ... Following passage of a 2018 law giving counties the opportunity to get out of the emissions testing program – pending approval by the EPA – surrounding counties such as Sumner, Rutherford, Wilson and Williamson voted to drop emissions testing. Nashville’s Metro Council, though, voted in 2018 to maintain the program. (link)

The following counties will not require emissions testing in 2022:  
  • Hamilton 
  • Rutherford 
  • Sumner 
  • Williamson 
  • Wilson

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