Monday, August 23, 2021

It was a pleasure meeting Knox County mayor Glenn Jacobs

 by Rod Williams, August 23, 2021- It was a pleasure meeting Knox County mayor Glenn Jacobs at Senator Jack Johnson's Boot's & Jeans; BBQ and Beans event yesterday.  Jacobs is a big guy. I look small standing beside him and I am 6'3'' and weigh 210 pounds. Jacobs is friendly and approachable.  This is my first time meeting him and he is immediately likable. 

Jacobs is a libertarian-leaning socially conservative Republican and former WWE wrestler.  He has been a wrestler since being elected and wrestled under the name of "Kane."  I am not sure how recently he became a former wrestler.  He has an interesting bio.  He was born in Spain where his father was stationed with the armed forces.  He is a graduate of Tulane University, he has been a school teacher, he has appeared in several movies, is a successful businessman, and a published author.  He was elected Mayor of Knox County in March 2017.  

I spoke to Jacobs about his tussle with the Knox County Board of Health.  He told me that when he was elected he did not even know there was a Board of Health.  This is not the same thing as a county Health Department.  Jacobs told me that this board made up of unelected bureaucrats had enormous power. He said as constructed when he took office if this board would have wanted to ban sugary soft drinks in Knox County, they had the power to do so. When the Board started making arbitrary Covid policy without input from the mayor or the county commission, Jacobs fought back.  After a lengthy political battle, Jacobs was successful in getting the County Commission to abolish the board and replace it with an advisory commission.

It was a pleasure talking to Jacobs, but I can't help but wonder what brought him from Knoxville to attend a fundraiser for Senator Jack Johnson.  Has he got his eye on the governor's seat? Or, maybe a run for the U.S. Senate? I don't know. I think he would make a good candidate for state-wide office. He would have that populist appeal that is popular now in the age of Trump.  And, he is smart and likable. Maybe, he just likes Senator Johnson, but I would keep my eyes open to see if we start hearing more from Glenn Jacobs. 

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