Tuesday, July 20, 2021

We should welcome those fleeing tyranny. Refugees from Cuba, Afghanistan and Hong Kong should be given priority.

by Rod Williams - The Biden administration is planning to temporarily house about 2,500 Afghan refugees at Fort Lee in Virginia, with expansion to other military bases possible in the future, U.S. officials announced on Monday. 

Fort Lee, an army post just south of Richmond, will serve as a way-station for Afghans who have passed the State Department’s screening for special immigrant visas. This group includes interpreters and others who worked alongside American troops in Afghanistan, along with their families, all of whom are targeted by the Taliban.

I approve of this policy.  Those who threw their lot in with the Americas and now are targeted for retaliation should not be abandoned.  Unfortunately, we can not save everyone.  Parents who sent their young girls to school, believing a new day was dawning in Afganistan and embraced a future free from radical Islamic tyranny may pay the ultimate price for daring to oppose the Taliban.   Those who can flee the country, if the Taliban begins a program of retaliation, should be granted amnesty in America.  We owe it to them.

As Cubans dare demonstrate for freedom, the Biden administration is taking a hard line on Cuban refugees.  The Biden administration has said in no uncertain terms, that those who manage to reach the US by sea will be apprehended by the US Coast Guard and taken back to Cuba. That is the equivalent of signing their death warrant. Those fleeing Cuban who request political asylum will be referred to third countries for resettlement and will not be allowed to enter the United States.

Shame on Biden!  That is a despicable policy. He has opened the southern border to those from Mexico and the northern triangle.  Why the discrepancy?  Is he afraid Cuban refugees will become Republican voters?  We should welcome those fleeing Cuba and rescue them at sea.  In addition to accepting those with a legitimate claim to political asylum from Afganistan and Cuba, as China continues to tighten the screws in Hong Kong, we should accept refugees from there.

We cannot just open our doors to every person seeking a better economic opportunity but we should welcome those fleeing tyranny. 

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1 comment:

  1. Don't forget refugees from socialist tyrannies like California and Illinois and New Jersey.
