Sunday, March 21, 2021

Bill Protecting Children from mutilating surgery advances in the State legislature.

SB 0657 by Bowling and HB 0578 by Ragan is working it's way through the state legislature. This bill deserves to be passed.

As introduced, this bill prohibits the provision of sexual identity change therapy to prepubescent minors; prohibits the provision of sexual identity change therapy to minors who have entered puberty unless a parent or guardian has written recommendations for the therapy from at least three physicians; punishes violations as child abuse; and designates violations by healthcare professionals as professional misconduct. 

STATUS: HB578 was passed out of the Criminal Justice Subcommittee and will be on the full Criminal Justice Committee calendar on Wednesday. 

ACTION: Please contact these legislators and urge them to support HB578: Rep. Scotty Campbell, Rep. David Hawk, Rep. Bud Hulsey, Rep. Jerry Sexton

For more on this topic, see these links:

The above summary was provided by Eagle Forum.  I suggest subscribing to the Eagle Forum newsletter and financially supporting this organization. 

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