Friday, January 08, 2021

How Tennessee's legislators voted in challenging the Electoral College votes.

Going into the Wednesday night vote to confirm the results of the Electoral College, both Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Haggerty had said they would support objections to accepting the votes from some states where President Trump claimed the election was rigged.  Both changed their mind and voted against the objections. Below is how the Tennessee delegation voted:

Senator Marsha Blackburn voted against objections.
Senator Bill Haggerty voted against objections.

Congressman Diana Harshbarger, District 1, voted in favor of the objections. 
Congressman Tim Burchett, District 2, voted in favor of the objections.
Congressman Chuck Fleischmann, District 3, voted in favor of the objections.
Congressman Scott Desjarlais, District 4, voted in favor of the objections. 
Congressman Jim Cooper, District 5, voted against the objections. 
Congressman John Rose, District 6, voted in favor of the objections. 
Congressman Mark Green, District 7, voted in favor of the objections. 
Congressman Dave Kustoff, District 8, Against the objection to Arizona, but in favor of the objection to Pennsylvania. 
Congressman Steve Cohen, District 9, Against the objections. 
For more information, follow this link.

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