Friday, June 05, 2020

Senator Rand Paul, M.D. Endorses Dr. Manny Sethi for Senate

Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Republican Senate candidate and conservative outsider Dr. Manny Sethi was endorsed today by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), one of our nation’s most important voices for liberty and limited government.

“Tennessee deserves a true conservative who supports President Trump, is pro-liberty, and will fight out-of-control federal spending. I believe Dr. Manny is the right choice, like me, he’s a physician, not another politician. We need more outsiders in Washington, and I’m proud to endorse him today,” said Senator Paul.

"Senator Paul has been a strong voice for liberty in the US Senate, and I am honored to have his endorsement. I look forward to working with him, standing on the side of liberty, prosperity, and a return to the Constitution," said Dr. Manny. “With under nine weeks until Election Day, we're seeing momentum and this is more evidence of just that.”

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