Monday, March 16, 2020

Tootsies owner to fight mayor's mandate to close Lower Broadway bars

News Channel 5, Mar 15, 2020 - At least one of the owners of several downtown bars plans to fight the approved recommendation to close bars throughout Davidson County, including Lower Broadway, amid COVID-19 concerns.

The attorney for Steve Smith, the owner of Tootsies Orchid Lounge, Honky Tonk Central and other bars, says he will work to request a temporary order that would restrain the enforcement of the declaration made by the Metro Board of Health. He believes there are constitutional implications when selectively picking out certain businesses.

Rod's Comment: I question the authority of the mayor to close bars.  This needs to be explained and maybe adjudicated.  Closing bars but not restaurants may make sense but it seems arbitrary.  If the mayor does have the authority to do this, I want that explained. What provision of the Charter gives the mayor this authority? I doubt the Metro Council could order bars closed or could give the mayor the authority to close bars. I doubt the mayor even has authority to close schools.  I would assume that is a decision to be made by the school board.

At all levels of government, no executive or legislative body should be allowed to exercise authority not authorized.

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