Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Tennessean' profile of each of the four major candidates for mayor.

The Tennessean has done a profile of each of the four major candidates for mayor. Each piece tells the biography of the candidates and essential facts about the candidate and lets the candidate share his or her vision for Nashville.  With a word length of about 2600 words, the articles are long enough to do the candidates justice and let their personality shire through. None of the articles are a hatchet-job and none of the top four are slighted. Good reporting.

 David Briley, after an improbable political comeback, wants to finish what he started

Carol Swain is running for Nashville mayor after 'a life of beating the odds'

Cooper sees bipartisan path to win in election 

John Ray Clemmons: A mayoral candidate underdog who wants to change Nashville

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