Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tennessee Charter School Center celebrates successful legislative session during National Charter School Week.

From Tennessee Charter School Center: 

Dear Friends,

Happy National Charter School Week! Each year, this special celebration is a time for everyone in the public charter movement—leaders, teachers, students, parents, and advocates—to come together to showcase our schools and students. As a kick-off for this week, we wanted to share the results of our work “on the Hill” during this legislative session. During the 2019 Legislative Session we:
  • Doubled the Charter School Facilities Fund bringing the total to $24 million over the past three years;
  • Established a statewide Charter School Commission;
  • Established the State Board of Education as a formal accountability body for charter school authorizers;
  • Fixed the default closure law;
  • Blocked 100% of negative legislation for the 4th consecutive year
We couldn’t have done this without you. Now for National Charter Schools Week, we want to celebrate your successes! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@tncharters) as we share highlights from the center, our charter schools and a special announcement to close out the week! Help us out by sharing our posts, and letting us know what positive impacts public charter schools are having in your community.

We also invite you to check out our 2019 Annual Impact Report highlighting the successes of the 2017-2018 school year, and to sign up for our monthly eNewsletter to keep up with what's happening inside charters.

Thanks for a great session.

Dr. Maya M. Bugg
President & CEO, Tennessee Charter School Center

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