Sunday, January 13, 2019

Metro bureaucratic SNAFU cost short-term rental owners dearly

Metro officials mistakenly issued more than 100 short-term rental permits recently and now will be sending notices cancelling those permits.  I have one relative who operates a short-term rental and another who did so for a short time. To manage a short-term rental is a lot of work and expense. A new lawsuit against Metro Nashville government seeks to block the cancellation.

Barbara Culligan, one of the short-term rental permit holders effected by the mix up and an AirBnB "Superhost," argues that the revocation of her permit "will cause irreparable harm, damage to goodwill, and harm for which money damage cannot fully and adequately compensate," according to the legal complaint filed on Monday in the Chancery Court of Davidson County.  A "Superhost" is someone whose home rental is highly rated by guests. Culligan already has reservations in place through next year.

In my view, Metro should be prohibited from rescinding the permits  but if permitted to rescind they should have to pay hefty damages to everyone affected.

 For more on this story follow these links: link, link.

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