Friday, July 06, 2018

Ward Baker guest of First Tuesday on Monday July 9th.

From Tim Skow:

A ‘’Political EARTHQUKE’’ just rocked Washington DC sending ‘’SHOCK waves’’ across the nation when Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he is retiring.

The next big ‘’AFTER SHOCK’’ hits Monday, July 9th when President Trump says he will announce his nominee to replace Justice Kennedy.

Sounds like a GREAT day to have our July version of 1ST TUESDAY! [Yes on ''2nd Monday.'']

BIG QUESTIONS include what impacts will a brutal confirmation fight have on elections this November, especially on the US Senate contests in red states around the country?

WHO??? You may ask has the insights and track record to explain this ‘’Political Rubix Cube’’?

1] How about a leader at the center of the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee [RSCC] when Republicans wrestled the majority away from Harry Reid and the DEMs?
 2] How about the leader at RSCC in 2016 who defended a slew of Republican Senators around the US when the DEMs were certain they would be confirming Merrit Garland to the Supreme Court when Hillary nominated him again?
 3] How about the man who has come to TN to lead the Marsha Blackburn US Senate campaign? 
The ANSWER ??? ….. Our Speaker on Monday, July 9th will be WARD BAKER, ......Ward is the
Ward Baker
man who is the correct answer to questions 1, 2 & 3 !!!!!

Mark your calendars, pass the word, invite your friends and get ready for what will be an exhilarating lunch! Event is $20 for Members and $25 for Guests. Doors at Waller Law [511 Union -27th floor] open at 11am. Lunch at 11:30. Remarks from Mr. Baker start at Noon with Q&A concluding at 1:00pm SHARP!

Secure seating for you and Guests at [and click on Join Us] [IF…..the ‘’Guest’’ icon gives you trouble, use the $25 ‘’DUES’’ till the new site comes up] Join us for insights into the ‘’Political TSUNAMI ‘’ coming ashore on from coast to coast on Nov 6th… [YES! election day in November is on 1ST TUESDAY] Looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday, July 9th !

Have a SAFE & GREAT July 4TH!
Tim Skow

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