Saturday, June 16, 2018

Should Nashville raise property taxes? Pro and con

by Rod Williams - My answer is a resounding emphatic "absolutely not."  Instead we should take a top to bottom, line item by line item examination of the budget and cut out waste, corruption, mismanagement and unnecessary spending.  Nashville does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. I would close General Hospital which serves no purpose other than to boost the ego of the Black community.  I would ban police overtime except in a declared emergency and make sponsors of events pay for their own security, I would stop the outlandish over payment of fees to the managers of Metro's pension fund, I would tell the school board to slash overhead and to rapidly consolidate schools to reflect the reduced enrollment, and I would find out why it takes $6 million dollars to build 3 miles of sidewalk.  I would fire a bunch of department heads such as those who allow it to take $6 million to build three miles of sidewalks. I would discontinue corporate welfare. To avoid the crisis  that is on the horizon, I would change Metro's pension system from a guaranteed benefit to a guaranteed contribution system. More money to Metro will simply mean more waste, corruption, mismanagement and unnecessary spending. We need to starve the beast.

The Tennessean asked the question and the editor of The Tennessean,  David Plazas says "yes,"  while Justin Owen, president and CEO of the Beacon Center of Tennessee says, "No."  (link)

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