Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Nashville Schools proposed budget of $924 million proposes teacher pay raises and layoffs

The proposed Metro Public Schools budget is for $924 million which is a 5.1% increase over last year, but since it is less than projected this is called a "cut."  Due to enrollment remaining relatively flat instead of growing as anticipated, Metro Schools will received $7.5 million less from the State than expected.

The budget calls for a 2% increase in teacher's salaries, a reorganization of student services department and a shifting of Title 1 monies to the worst performing schools. Title 1 money is money received from the Federal Government to support schools with large number of low income students. Cuts to student services cuts things like truancy officers and social workers.

Other cuts are to those services favored by middle class parents and parents of better than average students, such as cuts to the arts and advanced placement classes and International Baccalaureate.

Check back for more on the Metro School budget.

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