Sunday, March 18, 2018

Jonah Goldberg predicts Trump presidency is in for more turmoil and "it won’t be pretty."

I love Jonah Goldberg's writing. Maybe it is because I almost always agree with him, but I think I would enjoy his writing if he were writing recipes or travelogues. He is my favorite political commentator of the time. He is insightful and humorous and has a way with words. Here is an example:

But you could exclude all the anonymous quotes and thinly sourced stories, and a reasonable person would still have to conclude that this White House is operating as if the dispensing nurse at the asylum accidentally grabbed the amphetamines instead of the Xanax. As the vet said when I brought my cat in for an appointment and pulled a tuxedo-wearing, rainbow-colored iguana with a monocle out of the carrier, “This is not normal.”
He is writing about the disarray in the White House. He says Trump supporters have two lines to repudiate those who point out the White House chaos.  On the one hand they say it is a brilliant strategy and is planned chaos but when that doesn't work they say it is fake news and made up.  About that he says, "(As Stormy Daniels never said to a director), you can’t have it both ways."

Jonah Goldberg lays out a possible, if not likely unpleasant future scenario, in which Democrats capture the Congress and with subpoena power they more aggressively pursue Trump scandals, more and more unpleasant stories emerge and a slew of tell-all books get published. Then, he suggest how Trump may respond and likely outcomes. He says, "one prediction I made two years ago, over and over again, was that “character is destiny.” And I’ve never been more confident that that destiny is coming, and it won’t be pretty."

I suggest reading the story for the insight but also for the joy of a master story teller laying it out for you.

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