Thursday, March 01, 2018

Former Judge Casey Moreland arrested by FBI on obstruction of justice charges

by Adam Tamburin, USA TODAY NETWORK – Tennessee - Former Nashville Judge Casey Moreland stole money from the Davidson County Drug Court Foundation and then tried to destroy the evidence after the FBI launched an investigation into his conduct, according to new federal charges filed this week. ... The FBI investigation into Moreland began in January 2017 after allegations surfaced that he helped people he knew in exchange for benefits including sexual favors, travel and lodging .... evidence that Moreland pocketed thousands of dollars and later told a woman who helped him to destroy financial records that could lead to his exposure. (link)

Rod's comment: This is a story of greed and corruption. The story explains how Moreland was able to steal money given to a non-profit foundation sit up to help people who needed substance abuse counseling services and could not afford it. Despicable!

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