Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Council Begins Process To Get New Autumn Hills Management

Last Metro council meeting there was a late bill introduced which required suspension of the rules in order to be introduced late. To introduce a late bill requires that there be an emergency and requires a unanimous vote to suspend.  The issue concerned the management of Autumn Hills nursing home.  Among other issues, Autumn Hill did not have liability insurance.

Autumn Hiss is the facility that was formerly the Bordeaux nursing home.  For the last three years, Metro has leased the facility to a private company to run.  Eventually the company that is leasing the facility would buy and develop the land around it.

As long as Metro is owner of the facility, I assume we have some obligation to the residents. Metro may have no option but to intervene; I do not know. It is my hope that the current crisis is solved and this is not used as an excuse to get Metro back into the nursing home business. Metro should completely privatize and sale off the facility so it is no longer a Metro concern.

For more on the issue follow this report from News Channel 5: Council Begins Process To Get New Autumn Hills Management.

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