Saturday, August 08, 2015

The Election results are in. My commentary.

If you read this blog, then you are probably someone who cares about local political affairs and already know who won and who lost last night and have seen the unofficial returns. The returns remain unofficial until certified by the election commission. Here  are the returns with some comments. The highlighted names are those who either won outright or made the runoff.

Mayor's race:

Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
M. BARRY1125525912935  24449
C. ROBERT BONE4944186579010920
D. A. FOX1119621012305    23711
B. FREEMAN113962741050922179
H. GENTRY5222144666112027
J. KANE22026024874749
L. ESKIND REBROVICK260911930805808

I am extremely pleased that Fox made the runoff and I think he stands a better chance of winning in the runoff, running against Barry than if Freeman would have been the runoff opponent. While Freeman is probably every bit as liberal as Barry, Freeman's personality makes him seem more reasonable and more acceptable to moderate folks.  Fox is not as conservative on the social issues as I would like, but a pro-life, anti-gay marriage candidate probably would not stand a chance getting elected in Davidson County.  And anyway, those issues are national issues and it doesn't matter much what a mayor of Nashville thinks about them. Fox is not a crusader for liberal social causes the way Barry is however.

 Fox is a  conservative on economic issues, property rights and free enterprise. He is pragmatic, smart and thoughtful and likely to but Nashville's finances on a solid footing. Can Fox win against Barry? I think he has a good chance. I think there is a feeling among many Nashvillians that Nashville needs to call a halt to greater indebtedness and I think most Nashvillians do not want another property tax increase anytime soon and I think most people will view Fox as the candidate least likely to raise taxes again. Also, I think many feel that too much emphasis and tax giveaway had been focused on downtown and will see Barry as part of that excess. However, since Nashville is a predominately Democratic town, Barry has the advantage going into the runoff and Fox must make his case.

One thing heartening about this election is that while money goes a long way toward winning an election, it cannot buy an election. Freeman drastically outspend his opponents including $3.6 million of his own money. He put Black leaders on his payroll and then got their endorsement, he reportedly flew Black pastors to D.C for a meet and greet with Obama, he dominated TV advertising, yet still came up short.  

Vice Mayor race:
    Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
D. BRILEY2101053025696    47236
T. GARRETT1997552121398    41894

I am very disappointed. I know Tim Garrett and he has a lot of experience and institutional knowledge. He is also considered a more conservative Democrat while Briley is considered more progressive. However, the roll of the Vice Mayor is to pretty much limited to running efficient meetings and making committee assignment. I felt confident Garrett would have struck the right balance between running efficient meetings and allowing adequate debate. I also felt he would have been fair in making committee assignment. I am going to give David Briley the benefit of the doubt and hope he does the same.

Council at-large races:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
B. BAKER57151616794 12670
J. BALL2859682763 5690
K. BENNETT81222128982 17316
A. CAROTA112623944 2093
E. COLEMAN76481748678 16500
J. COOPER1631740818222 34947
E. DACHOWSKI42361014153 8490
A. DREAD75382028361 16101
R. DUVALL91712179436 18824
L. JOHNNY ELLIS2077511727 3855
E. GILMORE1681428619369 36469
R. E. GREER, SR56041396653 12396
F. HARRISON4024955497 9616
J. HOLLEMAN72411869140 16567
M. HOLSINGER1168251046  2239
P. HOSTETTLER37451273844 7716
W. HUNT71221878680 15989
S. W. HURT879920610994  19999
K. JAKES58301275917     11874
J. KEETON2123531832  4008
J. LASITER4221864813 9120
D. MAJORS61691789794 16141
L. MATTHEWS, JR75971421024317982
B. MENDES104062671384424517
S. V. MOORE7110178762414912
J. SHULMAN862727412918 21819

No one got 20% of the vote so the top ten vote getters will be in the runoff. I only voted for one candidate, not wanted to dilute my vote, and that was Ken Jakes. I am very disappointed. I was almost certain he would make the run off. However, I think Ken Jakes can do as about as much good being the citizen activist he is as he could do in the Council. I also thought Adam Dread would make the runoff. He recently run for a county-wide office, running for Judge and he is a former Councilman at-large. He had name recognition.

Cooper and Mendes spend a lot of money and had TV advertising. Obviously that helps. Also, being the brother of the Fifth District U. S. Congressman is a big plus. I got two or three mailing from Holleman, so sort of expected him to make the runoff. Being a district councilman helps as Matthews, Duvall, Bennett, Holleman are all termed-out district Council members. However it did not help Sandra Moore or Walter Hunt. I was kind of surprised by Hunt not making the runoff. He has been around a long time and a lot of people know him.

The result I am most pleased about is Robert Duvall. I will be voting for Duvall in the run-off.

District 1:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
S. ARMOR1023212317
R. BAKER15512372539
R. DOCKERY583109170
L. GREENE, JR44898441301
N. LEONARDO900114471358
J. H. MONTGOMERY52445101
R. WILLIAMSON808175263
I am very pleased to see Lioniel Green, Jr. make the run off and will be supporting him.

District 2:

Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarly Total Votes
L. FORTIER67075   142
D. HASTINGS4436606 1055
D. W. HYLTON23125    49
C. SEARCY1974315  516
R. "BOBBY" STOCKARD3346608  948
WRITE-IN202      4
 I was supporting Carrie Searcy. I have no run-off preference at this time.

District 3:
     Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
T. CLAYTON3875448840
T. COLEMAN4176347770
B. H. HAYWOOD73297381479
I had no preference in this race and do not know the candidates.

District 4:
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
R. SWOPE553511021660
P. TUTTLE60778201434
Congratulations Robert Swope! I expect Swope to be a conservative leader in the Council, who will not "go along to get along" or hide in the herd. I think we have a conservative leader in the Council in Robert Swope!

District 5:
  Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
S. DAVIS5152316833
S. MARTIN4661261728
P. MURRAY3273179509
I am for Scott Davis in the runoff.

District 6:
 Candidate Name   Election DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes

P. WESTERHOLM759                12              544   1315
B. WITHERS1283               11850    2144
WRITE-IN10                0414
I am pleased with this outcome.

District 7:
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
S. CLEMENTS4141323738
A. DAVIS93106701601
R. REED3749214597
I am very disappointing. Stephen Clements if a friend of mine and I had contributed to his campaign and encouraged him.

District 8
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
R. L. GHOLSTON1532152307
N. GROUND47255104
R. SAWYERS, SR85795187
C. SWANN2507301558
N. VanREECE3629500871
D. (DANNY) WILLIAMS863110199
This runoff will be a contest between a very progressive candidate in VanReece and a conservative in Chris Swann. Swann is deserving of our support.

District 9: 
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
R. McDANIEL3115311627
B. PRIDEMORE49376251125
 Good outcome. Pridemore deserved another term.

 District 10
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
D. PARDUE768128231603
No opponent for Pardue and he is a good Councilman.

District 11:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
L. HAGAR11692311632355
Hagar had no opponent and has proven to be one of the "good" councilmen.

District 12:
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
S. GLOVER8933212342159
No opponent. Glover deserved another term.

District 13:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
F. CARTER1270129256
M. COLE3034257564
H. HUEZO3723310685
 I did not know enough about any of the candidates to have an opinion in this race.

District 14:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
K. RHOTEN61667561378
 I do not know anything about this candidate who ran unopposed.

District 15:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
J. GARRETT52713389929
J. SYRACUSE1062149722048
 I suspect Syracuse will be one of the "good" council members.

District 16:
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
M. FREEMAN524105301064
T. TENPENNY49613312821
I do not know Freeman, but am disappointed Tenpenny lost. He was an advocate for saving the Fair Gounds and was as consistently conservative as anyone on the Council.

 District 17
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
C. COTTON2912226519
P. D. FOSTER4349257700
C. SLEDGE5304402936
T. WATSON1994122325
This is the district I live in and I was supporting Tony Watson. Between these two candidates in the runoff I do not had this time have a preference at this time.

District 18
  Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
B. M. ALLEN10533010682151
CM Allen had no opponent, has been a good council member and I am pleased to see her reelected. 

District 19
    Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarly Total Votes
K. CALDWELL134299 235
A. HARRISON16112146 319
F. O'CONNELL4335458 896
B. SHICK101287 190
WRITE-IN40    8
Disappointed. I favored Amanda Harrison.

District 20
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
M. FRANK3976253656
F. STABILE2334115352
I was supporting Frank Stabile, but do not know very much about Ms Roberts.

District 21
 Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
L. DUPREE4158309732
E. T. KINDALL485254901000
Do not have an opinion of the victor.

District 22
 Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
S. WEINER10315117542836
I was glad to see Sheri win without an opponent. She is one of the "good" council members.

District 23:
  Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
M. JOHNSON8444112752160
T. LEE24611391648
J. ROBERTS617209121549
I was pleased to see Jim Roberts make the runoff. I will be supporting him.

District 24:
  Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
A. GRANT8515611532060
K. MURPHY11888114062675
This is one of the worst losses of the night. Kathleen Murphy is a lobbist, daughter of Mike Murphy and had the state-wide Democrat machine behind her. She is a very partisan Democrat.

 District 25:
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
R. PULLEY1299562213  3568
WRITE-IN20039   59
 I have no opinion of this candidate.

District 26:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
J. ELROD798167811595
J. MITCHELL3646297667
I had no knowledge of the candidates and no preference in this race.

District 27:
   Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
D. BLALOCK471146071092
C. LEDBETTER31712342671
Great outcome! Davette is one of the "good" council members.

District 28:
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
D. T. LEWIS67038105
M. SMITHSON3285264597
T. VERCHER4210425846
 My candidate did not win. Disappointed.

District 29:
 Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
K. Y. JOHNSON103099431982
V. A. TATARYN2163218437
 I did not know Karen Johnson's opponent, but I like Karen Johnson and pleased to see she won.

District 30
 Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
J. POTTS55464721032
I am disappointing Potts did not have an opponent. 

 District 31
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
F. BEDNE92538941822
 Councilman Bedne is a good council member and he deserved a second term.

District 32
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
J. C. DOWELL36676651038
R. A. HASKINS57070127
W. KIZZIE2112213426
 I did not know the other candidates but think Jacobia Dowell has done a good job and am pleased to see her win another term in the Council.

District 33
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
S. COLEMAN782139331728
J. GAFFORD3745318697
 Sam Coleman is a previous Council member. A moderate. He had the support of Robert Duvall. Good outcome.

District 34
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
S. BUTLER8404115562437
A. HENDERSON12042817362968
 I did not have a preference in this district and do not know Henderson.

District 35
  Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
V. LINEWEAVER3128400720
D. ROSENBERG10431314722528
L. SPIVAK3947530931
 I was supporting Lonnie Spivak and am very disappointed he did not win.

Amendment #1 which would increase Council terms from two to three:

Wow! The public has spoken divisively that they like term limits for about the third of fourth time. Term limits make for a weak Council and a strong mayor and strong bureaucracy, but I guess that is what the public wants.
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarly  Total Votes
For RATIFICATION1595337418837    35164
Against RATIFICATION3017960132299    63079

Amendment #2 which would also extend term limits and shrink the council.
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarly  Total Votes

For RATIFICATION16508       417     19913       36838
Against RATIFICATION29382        533    3102760942
Not even close. The public likes a  big, weak, council.

 Amendment #3, the "local hire" amendment, which will require 40% of the work force on any tax payer funded project valued at over $100,000 be make up of Davidson County residents.
Candidate NameElection DayAbsenteeEarlyTotal Votes
For RATIFICATION271555242899856677
Against RATIFICATION190264312202941486
This will drastically increase the cost of metro projects but will probably be found to be in violation of both the U.S. and the Tennessee Constitution.

Congratulations to the winners!

Below is what others are saying about the election:
The Tennessean: Nashville mayoral election: Five takeaways
The Tennessean: Voters approve local-hire amendment, reject council changes
The Tennessean: Barry, Fox headed for runoff
4WSMV:  Barry, Fox campaigns gearing up again for runoff election

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