Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Support Councilman Carter Todd's Amendment to stop $350M in Metro Spending!

From Rick Williams, Chairman of Save Our Fairgrounds:

Good Morning To All:

Thank You for your continued support of Save Our Fairgrounds!

We are now and always have been a group of concerned citizens who pointed out to our neighbors and friends why Mayor Karl Dean should not close the Historic Tennessee State Fairgrounds and what a very, very important part of Nashville's history the Fairgrounds happens to be.     We also pointed out how much positive economic impact the Fairgrounds contributed to the Nashville Economy.
We come to you today to point out in the final days of Karl Dean's term as Mayor he is busy trying to spend every available cent of Metro dollars and push us further into debt.  The proposed $100 million flood wall along the West Bank of the Cumberland River is again another huge waste of taxpayer money.  Adding to that project are two more last-minute and very rushed projects which total over $250 million.  This is a typical Karl Dean move - plan something without community input, announce it and push it through.  We cannot stand around and let this happen.   As the Fairgrounds and race track community was under the threat of attack to the Fairgrounds being permanently closed and redeveloped,  we had to step up and help stop that from happening.

Now Southeast Nashville and North Nashville are under threat of projects being rushed at the last minute into their communities.  The Mayor is proposing to move the Police Headquarters to Historic Jefferson Street and relocate the Metro Jail to Southeast Nashville on Harding Place near the Airport.  We believe it is time for the Metro Council to stand up again and say NO to all three of these projects until these issues are debated in public and community input received.  THIS MONEY KARL DEAN IS SPENDING JUST ON THE FLOOD WALL COULD BE SPENT ON THE FAIRGROUNDS PROPERTY TO UPGRADE THE BUILDING AND RACE TRACK AND HELP RESTORE THE FAIRGROUNDS.  SO I THINK WE SHOULD HELP STOP THESE PROJECTS HE IS PROPOSING IN THE LAST 120 DAYS IN OFFICE.

All of these projects should be the priority of the next Mayor and Metro Council and not rushed thru this Council in the last 120 days in office.  Councilman Carter Todd has put forth an amendment to the Metro Budget which will be considered tonight at the Metro Council meeting at 6:00 PM.  We are asking you to contact your Metro Council Member and ask them to SUPPORT AND VOTE FOR Councilman Carter Todd's amendment to the Budget at tonight's Metro Council meeting.

Again we just want these communities to have a chance to be involved in the planning of these major projects just like we started work to build up the Fairgrounds and get support from each major Mayoral candidate after Mayor Karl Dean almost had the property bulldozed.

Thank you again for your support!

Rick Williams
Chairman, Save Our Fairgrounds 

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