Saturday, March 28, 2015

Who is contributing to the Charles Robert Bone campaign for Mayor

Charles Robert Bone
A review of Charles Robert Bone's financial disclosure report for the period ending 1/15/2015 does not show much of interest.

He started the report period with $509,742 on hand, raised $250,224, spent $268,410, leaving $491,556 on hand.

He raised a lot of money from attorneys but being an attorney himself, that is not surprising. Attorney Dewey Brandstetter gave him $250. A lot of attorneys from the firm of Bone McAllester Norton contributed and several from the firm of Butler Snow, LLP.

One of his biggest contributors is Plumbers and Pipefitters which gave him $7500.

He got money from a handful of contributions from out of state including $1500 from Sarah Lowery of New York City, $700 from James Fox of Richardson Texas, $1500 from Webb Sowden of Dallas Texas and $1000 from Dustin Huffine of San Pedro CA.

Other interesting contributions are these: Ryman Hospitality PAC $1000, H.G. Hill Realty PAC $1500, and Ron Gobble, President of Gobbell Hays Partners, Inc. $1500.

I do not know many of the people contributing to his campaign, but others may. To view his campaign disclosure report, follow this link.

One thing interesting about the Bone disclosure is that all of his contributions were marked as contributions for the "primary election." There is no primary election. The August 7th election is a general election.

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