Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Homeless? Call Bill Freeman

Homeless Forum Leads to New Beginning for One Nashville Family 

PRESS RELEASE, NASHVILLE, Tenn. - When one Nashville woman attended last week’s Mayoral Forum on Homelessness at the Downtown Library, she had no idea it would lead to her finding a home by the end of the day.

“Our company, Freeman Webb, participates in the 100,000 Homes Program where we provide apartments to homeless families that are among the most challenging to help, long-term homeless people and women with children,” said Bill Freeman.

“I talked about the program during the forum and about how we have also convinced our competitors to participate. After the forum, a woman approached me at the library to see if we could help her. I was deeply moved by her story and we decided to see if we could help her.”

Freeman called his company president, Kirby Davis, who administers the program and who was interviewed in a recent 60 Minutes piece about the program. After a few phone calls an apartment was secured for the woman and her five children.

“I am happy to see the issue of homelessness being addressed early in this mayoral race,” said Freeman. “Homelessness and affordable housing are issues near to my heart, and part of why I got into this race. As mayor, I will work hard every day to make a difference for individual families and for all of our neighborhoods.”

“As a city we have begun making a dent in the homelessness problem, but still have a ways to go before we can eliminate it altogether. Program’s like How’s Nashville and non-profit groups like Open Table Nashville can’t do it alone, as a city we have to make this a priority. ”

“If elected mayor, helping to end homelessness in Nashville will remain one of my priorities, just like it has been for years in the private sector,” Freeman added. “Homelessness is not a crime. We must stop treating it as if it is and continue helping one person, and one family at a time until everyone in Nashville has a place to sleep at night.”

Freeman Webb has been a partner in the How’s Nashville program, which has helped over 900 chronically homeless people since July of 2013. Freeman Webb made 16 of its properties, each with a market value over $100,000, available to How’s Nashville program participants, and looks forward to further participation in the Zero 2016 campaign to end veteran and other homelessness by 2016.

Freeman added, “I have personally witnessed the impact the 100,000 Homes Program can have on individuals and families who would otherwise be without a place to call home. As mayor, I would seek other innovative public/private partnerships to help people. We can make a difference … one family at a time.”

 Link to 60 Minutes Piece on 100,000 Homes Program: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/100000-homes-housing-homeless-saves-money/

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