Friday, February 27, 2015

Why close all the Davidson County schools for a few icy roads in the very northern edge of the county?

School Board member Will Pinkston posted this to his Facebook page today:

To all you parents who are feeling frustrated by this week's Metro Nashville Public Schools closures … As an MNPS parent, I feel your pain. This week is the second time since I joined the Nashville School Board that icy road conditions in isolated parts of Davidson County have caused a shutdown of the entire school system. I understand — and I think other board members do, too — that unnecessary school closures interfere with teaching and learning, complicate parent work schedules and child care, and in some cases even lead to hunger for kids who rely on our schools for free breakfast and lunch. During this week's school board meeting, I suggested that the MNPS Central Office needs to consider a different approach to weather-related school closings in the future. In a school district encompassing more than 500 square miles, we've got to do a better job differentiating between icy roads in the rural hills of northern Davidson County and clear roads in the urban flats of south Nashville. A report in today's Greeneville (S.C.) News offers some of the best reporting I've seen on how geographically expansive and diverse school systems might rethink school-closure policies by "creating a system of sub-districts or school zones to address varying weather impact." Let me know what you think about this idea, and I'll work with other school board members to advance the conversation as we look ahead to new leadership in MNPS this summer.
Why doesn't Greenville County split schools into zones for weather?
Other school districts have succeeded in creating zones for weather issues. Why doeesn't Greenville ...

I agree.  This makes so much sense. The highlighting is mine.

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