Friday, December 19, 2014

Kenneth Eaton Announces Candidacy for Nashville Mayor in 2015

Kenneth Eaton
Press Release - Automotive and real estate entrepreneur and innovator, Kenneth Eaton, a Nashville Native and local business owner for nearly 40 years, announced his candidacy for Mayor of Nashville in the 2015 election today.
Eaton for Mayor has appointed a Treasurer to start raising money, a step in becoming Nashville's next Mayor for the August 2015 election, Kenneth knows now is the time for conservative budgeting and opening our arms to further business and artistic development in Nashville. Eaton believes we will all thrive if we motivate our decisions based on the will of the Taxpayer. He also knows once he’s got his hands on the Davidson County budget we can easily correct the current administrations Laissez-faire, almost (and on occasion definitively) wasteful budgeting, at the same time he intends to reduce the debt built by this administration and ensure the underfunded programs in this community are reinvigorated with the assistance our city government once provided for them.
Kenneth States, “Monitoring the city budget over the last 10 years, it’s obvious Nashville is thriving as a tourist destination; But this tourism focus is negatively impacting our tax payers and neglecting the needs of our citizens.  The city is also faced with high debts, unfunded programs, and currently counting on future income to ensure we stay on budget to fund these issues; or what is commonly known as ‘passing the buck’. The current administration wants to pass the buck to our children and their children.”
Kenneth Eaton, won the straw poll as the Best Choice Mayor Candidate from the Davidson County Republican Party.
Kenneth Eaton, is opposed to the 175, million dollar AMP bus transit system. He sees it as a waste of taxpayer money, and possibly a detriment to the layout and design of our unique city.
Kenneth Eaton, is for keeping the historic Tennessee State Fair Grounds in place for the taxpayers use.
Kenneth Eaton's Business Background:
Over the past 39 years Kenneth’s business experiences include investments in several different business partnerships, his main focus has always stayed in automobiles and real estate.

Kenneth Eaton recently owned and operated over 100 pieces of investment, commercial and rental property, and has bought and sold over 20 million in Real Estate in the area. Kenneth Eaton's Automobile Dealership had sales in excess of 75 million a year and employed over 75 employees, Kenneth Eaton's new car dealership's won several awards for being the top Dealer in the TN market, and awarded the top customer satisfaction award for sales and service.

Kenneth Eaton's mastery of large-scale business operations, show he has the qualifications to run a business with a large-scale income, and a large number of employees. He knows how to develop and maintain management teams that ensure employee productivity and happiness. Kenneth knows how to reduce the waste in overhead and expenditures, as well as stop unnecessary spending.

This is why we need a business person running this city, Kenneth Eaton is that business man.
“A Business Man, Not a Politician”
Kenneth Eaton

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