Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mary Mancini for Chair of the Tennessee Democrat Party

Mary Mancini
Lenda Sherrell
Rep. Gloria Johnson
Mary Mancini is seeking the chairmanship of the Tennessee Democratic Party. I am supporting her effort and urge all of my Democrat friends to support her campaign. She will attract young energetic counter-culture types and college students who are registered to vote in other states and people who think you should not have to show an ID to vote and people who aspire to be unionized public sector  employees and people who think they are not taxed enough, and fans of Lambchop and former customers who as teenagers bought vinyl records at Lucy's Record Store.  The more rural and traditional Democrats who are only Democrat because their parents were Democrat will wake up and realize they are not at home in the Democrat Party anymore and will continue their migration to the Republican Party. She will purify the Party.

Mary Mancini who in August lost a Democrat primary to Jeff Yarbro is a self identified progressive. She co-hosted a progressive radio show, Liberadio!. on a low-power, now defunct station and she was Executive Director of Tennessee Citizens Action, a progressive non-profit political organization.

Other candidates for the office of Chair of the Tennessee Democrat Party are Lenda Sherrell of Monteagle who recently lost a race as the Democrat nominee against Republican Scott DesJarlais and former Rep. Gloria Johnson of Knoxville who on November 4th lost her seat to Republican challenger Eddie Smith.  Mary Mancini is the best person for the job.

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