Saturday, November 22, 2014

Congratulations Councilman Ludye Wallace on your election as President of the Nashville NAACP. Keep Ludye on Duty!

From left to right: VP Brenda Gilmore, President Ludye Wallace,
secretary Sheryl Allen.  Vernon Winfrey with Rev Enoch  Fuzz
Former Councilman Ludye Wallace was elected President of the Nashville NAACP this week. 

When I served in the Metro Council in the 1980's, I served with Ludye Wallace. While I occasionally disagreed with Ludye on issues of preferential treatment for minority contractors and such, those type issue actually seldom arose. Ludye was one of the best Council members with whom I served. He was often an opponent of higher taxes and cronyism.  While an advocate for the Black community, Ludye was not a firebrand. He was reasonable, and if you disagreed with him and could not support him on an issue, he never took it personally and you might be allies on the next issue.  Councilman Wallace was a master at parliamentary procedure and I learned a lot from him.  Use of parliamentary procedure is often like playing chess and Wallace knew how to do it. Ludye Wallace was also one of my best friends on the Council and when I was going through some personal stuff, he was very supportive and encouraging.

Congratulations Councilman Ludye Wallace on your election as President of the Nashville NAACP.  Keep Ludye on Duty!

Officers of the local charters of the NAACP serve without pay. Other elected member of the Nashville NAACP include Brenda Gilmore who serves both in the Metro Council and as a member of the State Legislature, Secretary Sheryl Allen,  and Vernon Winfrey with whom I also served in the Metro Council and who is the father of Oprah Winfrey.

Pictured in the photo with the new board members of the NAACP is Reverent Enoch Fuss pastor of Corinthian Missionary Baptist a large and influential African-American church here in Nashville.

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