Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Jeremy Kane Formally Launches Mayoral Run with 24-Hour Event

Plans to work around the clock will set tone for campaign

Jeremy Kane
Kane for Mayor Press Release, Nashville, TN. – Jeremy Kane revealed in a speech to supporters on Wednesday that he plans to formally launch his mayoral campaign with a full 24-hour day of events beginning tomorrow, Thursday October 2.

The 24-hour long series of events will emphasize Kane’s commitment to working around the clock for all corners of Nashville. Kane will travel across the county to showcase the individuals and institutions that exemplify Nashville at its best.

Kane told supporters that the 24-hour event is a statement on how he plans to run his campaign:

“From our first 24 hours to our last 24, from my front door to yours, no one will campaign harder. No one will be more optimistic about what we can achieve or more humble in asking for your support,” said Kane.

The day kicks off at 5 a.m. with a morning run and will conclude by greeting workers arriving for their shifts at Nashville Electric Service.

Nashvillians can follow Jeremy’s progress throughout the day on his Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.


Tracy, I love you. I am so proud we’ve committed our lives to carry on the work so many did for us—to create meaning with our love, strength with our relationships, and purpose with our faith.

Wells—I pray that one day I will inspire you as much as you already inspire me.

What a pleasure to welcome you to our home and share this day with all of you. I’m humbled by your enthusiasm and confidence. Without you, I would have never have been inspired to leave LEAD and the colleagues I love to embark on this campaign.

I’m so proud to live and work in Nashville. This is where I grew up, where I was married, where I went to some of our best schools and where I drop my own daughter off for school most mornings. This is where I’ve lived my life and followed my family's tradition of public service.

I have learned in Nashville: Not far from here in South Nashville, I grew up watching my father’s ministry and learned the compassion it takes to help people improve their lives.

I have been inspired in Nashville: Just on the other side of this interstate at a familiar front door, I met parents like Gale Conner and learned how to put my values in action.

I have rolled up my sleeves and built dreams in Nashville: over off Lafayette Street, I learned how to make tough decisions, how to build a team, and how to fix what’s broken and improve on what’s already working well.

Through it all, the most important lesson I learned is that real leadership begins with listening.

When Tracy let me mortgage our house to start LEAD, I listened. And, over the last 8 months, I listened. What I heard was who we are at our best. We’re a city of neighborhoods, made up of good and decent people like Frank Trew and Jeff Syracuse who transformed an empty parking lot in Donelson into a bustling farmer’s market.

We’re an entrepreneurial and dynamic city, driven by innovators like Alex Tolbert and the Goldberg brothers whose businesses grow our city in creative ways.

We’re a generous and compassionate city, comforted by Dr. Alex Jahangir and Pat Shea who care for us when we’re at our most vulnerable.

We’re a faithful and welcoming city, united by people like Remziya Suleyman and Sgt. Ramirez who tirelessly weave our many cultures together to make us a better, safer, more connected city.

We’re a city where commitments mean something, persistence pays off, and partnerships count.

It matters who our next Mayor is: the decisions we make in the next four years will shape the next forty. Managing our finances, strengthening our schools, and giving our prosperity greater purpose requires a leader who will bring us together—with passion, persistence, and partnership.

Today, I’m proud to kick-off my campaign for Mayor of Nashville.I am ready to be your Mayor.  I know the VISION and goals worthy of our great city and I know we are up to the task.

I see a Nashville that’s not just better off, but at our best. A Nashville that grows economically and together as a community. Where jobs increase but so do our volunteer hours. Where we pay down our debt by investing in each other and the places we love.

I know the PASSION—day after day—it takes to deliver on a vision.

As an executive, I know it’s not luck—it’s leadership that drives growth and expands opportunity. We’re in a good place because of strong leadership. I’ll continue that legacy by listening, leading by example, respecting our limited resources, and waking up every day focused on getting results.

It will take that kind of leadership to make education the most collaborative and optimistic thing we do.

As Mayor, I will practice partnership, invest in what works, and empower all of our school leaders and teachers, parents and volunteers to give ALL our children a great beginning, a great school, and a great chance to thrive in our global economy.

I know the PERSISTENCE it takes to make payroll, respect public dollars, and leverage limited resources to do more with less.

We know that money will be tight for the next Mayor. All that I learned growing and managing LEAD teaches me that we can’t be at our best if we’re not financially stable

The first thing I will do as Mayor will be to identify the results we want and prioritize our spending to achieve them. I will publicly commit to performance standards so everyone will be able to hold our government—AND ME—accountable for delivering results.

But tight finances can’t be an excuse for scaling back our dreams or reneging on our commitments. My first budget will include a multi-year plan to invest in people, drive innovation, and share opportunity.

As an entrepreneur, I know how to stretch a dollar. They may not get the headlines, but there are real dollars to be saved in taking simple steps like changing out street lamps for LED lights and returning the pharmacy to Metro General to improve care, save patient’s time, and promote healthy choices.

I will create innovation funds in all departments to support creative solutions, share best practices, cut costs, and empower employees.  As Mayor, I commit that if a solution protects your money and gets the results we want—there will be no idea too small or innovation too creative.

I believe that government can’t do everything. Where we can partner we will.  That begins with investing to make our government a good partner. To improve service delivery and save money, we will focus on outcomes, not process. To expedite service requests, we will invest in and deploy technology. To tap our abundant creativity, we will kick open the doors to our data and double-down on transparency.

Growing our economy, creating new jobs and expanding our tax base is essential to deliver services and achieve our vision. As Mayor, my economic plan leverages our strengths—our neighborhoods and schools, our infrastructure and businesses, our churches and immigrant networks.

We know that foreign visitors stay longer and spend more—I will leverage our Sister City and international connections to promote Nashville as a world-class location for business, investment, and visitors.

Health care and logistics are becoming more technology-driven and our infrastructure needs have never been greater, yet many IT and concrete engineering jobs remain unfilled. I will partner with our schools and companies to attract and train the workforce that can tackle the tasks today and remain nimble to build our future tomorrow.

But I will go a step further. I will partner with our medical training programs so medical residents can serve mental health rotations in our community clinics to provide care for our most vulnerable Nashvillians.

I know the PARTNERHIPS it will take to realize this vision because I know what it took to build schools where there weren’t any, create over 200 new, good paying jobs that didn’t exist, and design and execute a transportation system that gave families access to stronger schools, better housing, and available jobs.

It’s impossible to double exports or create more affordable housing without modernizing our infrastructure. That’s why transforming our infrastructure is the foundation of my vision.

Whether bus lanes or broadband, school buildings or sewers, as Mayor, I will coordinate infrastructure development—especially funding—across all of Metro government to ensure we make investments that deliver the most potential for creating jobs, strengthening schools, connecting neighborhoods, and promoting healthy and safe lives.

Our vision is bold and won’t be realized by promises alone—there will be tough, hard choices ahead. We’re facing a big choice next year. What we do with our good fortune is just as critical a test of our character, values and vision as how we deal with adversity.

There’s a crowded field running. I think that’s more evidence of what a good city we’ve become. Everyone running is a good person who cares about kids and jobs. But the important thing isn’t who cares the most, but who has the record and leadership to seize this moment to build a Nashville of our best.

I’m proud to have a record to run on. I’m proud that so many of you are here today because you share and believe in my record of service, commitment, and leadership.

When we were deciding whether to run, Tracy and I talked about the kind of Mayor I want to be. We agreed that if we can look back and say that I was a mayor of passion, persistence and partnership, we’ll not only have won this election—we’ll have made a statement about who we are as a city. That’s why today is about more than kicking off my campaign. It’s about making a statement about how I will lead.

I won’t—and can’t do it alone. I will find my courage in the police officer who tucks her daughter in so she can keep our streets safe while we sleep.

I will find my dedication and sacrifice in the teachers who stay late and dig deep into their pockets for their students.

 I will find my commitment and compassion in the volunteer who signs up to serve as a Big Brother for a child in need.

 I will find my entrepreneurism in the business owner who risks personal loss to create opportunity for others.

 I’ll find my mission in them because they are there for us when we need them, and I’m prepared to work around the clock to be there for them. That’s why tomorrow we will start our first full day on the campaign trail by standing shoulder-to-shoulder for 24 hours alongside the good people doing good things in Bellevue and Bordeaux, Downtown and Donelson.

From our first 24 hours to our last, from my front door to yours, no one will campaign harder. No one will be more optimistic about what we can achieve or more humble in asking for your help. Let this be our goal: that years from now—when Wells and all our children retire from jobs we helped create; when the neighborhoods we love remain vibrant and our streets safe—they will know that we were at our best when they needed us most. The road ahead is long, but we start today.

I ask you to join me. May God bless this campaign and may God continue to bless Nashville!

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