Saturday, August 09, 2014

Chattanooga Voters Reject Domestic Partnership Ordinance

From Family Action Council of Tennessee:

Chattanooga voters completed the process begun last Fall of telling their elected officials that they did not want to create domestic partnership benefits for city employees in non-marital relationships. Last November, with Mayor Andy Berke’s support, Chattanooga’s City Council decided that taxpayers should pay benefits for the unmarried partners of city employees and their children (who may not have even been the biological children of the city employee). But in two short weeks following the Council’s vote, a petition drive secured the number of names necessary to stay the ordinance and put the issue on the ballot. Last night 63% of Chattanooga voters voted to repeal the ordinance.
My Comment: God bless Chattanooga. Unfortunately, the social conservatives and faith community rolled over and played dead when the same thing happened in Nashville.  Even some of the Republican members of the Council voted for same sex benefits when it was before the Council here in Nashville and others voted to "abstain." The queer community rallied to pass this ordinance in Nashville and the family values voters stayed home. In Nashville there was no public opposition. To read more about how the Council voted when this issue was before the voters here, follow this link.

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