Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Council Meeting of Nov. 5th with video and commentary

This meeting is just slightly over an hour long and is a really boring meeting.
There are a couple Bills on Public Hearing on interest:

BILL NO. BL2013-568 which expands the zoning districts where LED signs are prohibited passes did not create a lot of interest. No one speaks in favor and only one in opposition. It passes. (see 28:27-37:41 for the discussion.)
BILL NO. BL2013-569 which would impose various restrictions on car sales lots and car washes, surprises me in that no one speaks in favor or opposition. I thought there would be people on both sides and this would be a lengthy public hearing. The hearing is concluded and the bill is deferred without explanation until the first meeting in January.
Resolution on the Consent Agenda, which is all of the resolutions; the memorializing resolutions; bills on First Reading; bills on Second Reading and bills on Third Reading all pass with little or no discussion.

BILL NO. BL2013-570 which would require people doing electrical work to have an electricians license passes on second reading. Already the person pulling the permit has to be licensed but this would require the people actually doing the work to be licensed. Repairmen doing minor things not requiring a permit would not have to be licensed.

The two bills establishing and in-line-of-duty injury clinic passes on third and final reading

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