Wednesday, September 25, 2013

No protest at the Lamar Alexander picnic Sunday

Sunday afternoon was a great day to get out of the city and attend a political picnic.  I attended the Lamar Alexander fundraiser picnic at Monty Langford’s farm off Highway 96 between Franklin and Murfreesboro. The afternoon temperatures were a comfortable low 80’s, the sky was a clear blue and the sitting was a large white tent in the front yard of Monty Langford’s house on the edge of acres of gassy pastureland surrounded by rolling hills.

We were served barbecue and listened to a light jazz music. I think the band’s name was “Free Enterprise” or something like that. They consisted of a guitarist and upright bass player and vocalist performing mellow jazz favorites such as the songs of Hoagy Carmichael. About 250 people attended the event. There were twenty tables of ten each and people were standing and coming and going, so it could have been that 300 people attended.

Race car driver Darrel Waltrip was present but did not speak. Speaker of the House Beth Harwell was in attendance. Monty Langford offered an opening prayer and welcoming remarks and Governor Bill Haslam spoke and introduced Senator Alexander. Senator Alexander spoke about what is going on in Washington and defended his record saying it is one thing to make speeches and another thing to govern and get things accomplished. To illustrate a division within the Republican Party, he told a history of Davy Crockett and Sam Houston. He said both famous Tennesseans helped liberate Texas and shared the same goal and both should be honored and respected but he said, Crockett died at the Alamo and Houston won the war. He said winning is more important than standing firm and being defeated.

I was looking for protesters at the event. There were none. Matt Collins, ousted former First Vice Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party, operating under the name Tennessee Sons of Liberty had called for protesters to be on hand to protest, but he, nor anyone else, was there protesting.

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