Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Conference Call on Text Book Review Task Force tonight

This is late notice, I know but I just now opened an email from Bobby Patray of Tennessee Eagle Forum: YOU are needed to help review textbooks:
Conference Call on Text Book Review Task Force
Wednesday, September 7, 2013
Time: 7pm Central, 8pm EST
Number: 209-647-1600 Pin: 915138#

More on the opportunity to review text books will follow. 

I hope conservative, educated, and rational people will join in the text book review process. We need to critic textbooks and expose obvious liberal basis. As became clear in a recent state hearing on the text book review process, those given the job of reviewing textbook do not have adequate time to properly do their assigned duties. With hundreds of books to review and limited time to review them, some text books get no more than a cursory skimming.

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