Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Margaret Thatcher RIP

Margaret Thatcher died of a stroke yesterday at the age of 86, becoming the last of the great leaders of the 20th century to have passed away.  She will be remembered for turning Britain away from their slide into mediocrity, poverty, and insignificance, for privatizing many of the socialist enterprises of England, and for standing shoulder to shoulder with Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul in declaring Communism to be an evil in the world and helping to bring about the end of the Communist era. The world is a much better place because of Margaret Thatcher.

For tributes and comments see below:

Heritage Remembers Margaret Thatcher (VIDEO)


At a time when the Soviet Empire was still a powerful force, oppressing millions of people, Lady Thatcher tackled communism head on as prime minister of Great Britain.

She believed in the crucial need for America to exert international leadership in the cause of freedom and partnered with conservative American leaders like Ronald Reagan and The Heritage Foundation to ensure individual liberty.

Her commitment to the principles of free enterprise, limited government, and individual freedom lace the eternal friendship between The Heritage Foundation and Lady Thatcher.

Corker Statement on Passing of Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn., ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today made the following statement on the passing of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

“Margaret Thatcher will rightly be remembered as a plain-spoken and aggressive advocate for democracy and free markets and for her strong leadership in the fight against communism, which helped preserve and strengthen Western values and institutions for generations to come. Her courage, clear thinking and lifelong friendship with the United States continues to inspire us all,” said Corker.

Margaret Thatcher’s vigorous virtues 

By George Will, April 8, 2013 - .... She aimed to be the moral equivalent of military trauma, shaking her nation into vigor through rigor.

As stable societies mature, they resemble long-simmering stews — viscous and lumpy with organizations resistant to change and hence inimical to dynamism. Her program was sound money, laissez faire, social fluidity and upward mobility through self-reliance and other “vigorous virtues.” She is the only prime minister whose name came to denote a doctrine — Thatcherism. (“Churchillian” denotes not a political philosophy but a leadership style.) When she left office in 1990, the trade unions had been tamed by democratizing them, the political argument was about how to achieve economic growth rather than redistribute wealth, and individualism and nationalism were revitalized. (link)

TNGOP Chairman Statement Regarding the Passing of Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 

“I had the opportunity to meet Margaret Thatcher a few years ago in a private meeting with former Senator Phil Gramm. I would describe Mrs. Thatcher as tough but graceful, bold but effective. The ‘Iron Lady’ was a dear friend to America who believed in the ideals of democracy and blazed a path for women across the globe. She often said, ‘In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.’ That certainly was the case with Mrs. Thatcher. She leaves a legacy of accomplishment for the United Kingdom and all who cherish freedom. She will be dearly missed.”

‘Iron Lady’ Who Set Britain on a New Course 

New York Times - ...by the time she left office, the principles known as Thatcherism — the belief that economic freedom and individual liberty are interdependent, that personal responsibility and hard work are the only ways to national prosperity, and that the free-market democracies must stand firm against aggression — had won many disciples. Even some of her strongest critics accorded her a grudging respect.(read more)

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