Sunday, February 26, 2012

Can Health Care Be Bought and Sold on eBay? - John C. Goodman - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1

by John C. Goodman

We're not quite there yet. But there is a new website that is getting close.

A small, emerging online service called MediBid is creating an actual market that puts doctors together with patients who need care.

Here's the best thing about it. Patients who use this service can cut their health care costs in half. No, that's not a misprint. Patients who obtain care through MediBid pay about half as much as BlueCross pays. Ditto for all the major employer plans as well as the other big insurance companies. Patients frequently pay even less than what government pays under Medicare.

Here's the worst thing about it. Once ObamaCare kicks in, entrepreneurial ventures like this one will probably be nipped in the bud. Can Health Care Be Bought and Sold on eBay? - John C. Goodman - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1
This article explains what a free market in health care looks like and what could be part of the solution to the health care crisis in America if government would get out of the way and untangle the impediments to letting market forces work.

You may know the owner of MediBid if you are active in conservative politics in Nashville. The founder and CEO of Medibid is Ralph Weber. Ralph has spoken at the various Republican breakfast groups around town, regularly attends the Liberty on the Rocks social events and is founder of a group called National Doctors Tea Party which hosted a major Doctors Town Hall event last August and has another planned this coming June.

Below is a video featuring Ralph Weber giving opening remarks at a Doctors Town Hall in August 2010.

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