Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Watch your Money and Women. The State Legislature is Back in Town.

The legislature is back in session starting today. It promises to be a shorter than usual session. Issues will include creating jobs, education reform, redistricting, cutting taxes, the Hope Scholarship and wine.  This will be the first time since reconstruction that we have had the Governors Office, the House and the Senate all in the hands of Republicans. Hopefully some good legislation will be passed and hopefully this will be the year that the coalition of  liquor lobbyist  and puritans can be defeated and we can join the modern world and get wine in the grocery stores.

For a take on what others expect, see below:

Knox News Hemphrey on the Hill.
The Tennessean, TN lawmakers gear up for fast session, re-election
The Commercial Appeal, College funds, taxes top Tennessee legislature's agenda

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1 comment:

  1. I hope you are not under the illusion that these GOPers- will do anything of any value. Guns in the hands of teachers, anti-worker, Jim Crow anti-voter bill, increased subsidation of business all ready to go. Tn., the leader in backward thinking, hypocrites, and out- of - our pockets into theirs is the order of the day. Good times ahead with the promise of the Pres. election coming this Nov and Tn jumping on the evangelical pious rhetoric mean-spirited band wagon.
