Monday, September 19, 2011

Nashugly: The Hume Fogg Dumpsters

There is a lot that is attractive about Nashville. There is a lot that is charming and beautiful but there is some really ugly in Nashville, and not much is uglier than the Hume Fogg dumpsters.

Two dumpsters sit on the wide sidewalks adjacent to Hume Fogg magnet school on 7th Ave. North. They are across the street from the world headquarters of the Barbershop Harmony Society, the largest all male acappella singing organization in the world. They are also across the street from the majestic Masonic Grand Lodge of Tennessee.

These dumpster take up most of the sidewalk. They are ugly, they attract flies, they stink and they ooze a sticky liquid, and debris that doesn't fit in the dumpsters spills out onto the sidewalk.
Hume Fogg has room on the rear alley to place these dumpsters but of course, Hume Fogg would lose a couple parking spaces.

Government never does a very good job of policing itself. Can anyone believe that if Hume Fogg was a private school or any other private business that they would be allowed to have these dumpster sit on the side walk like this?

Barbershop Harmony Society Building

Grand Masonic Lodge

Metro: Please make Hume Fogg move this eyesore and public nuisance to the rear.

Hume Fogg: Have you no shame? Be a good citizen and move these dumpsters!

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