Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am Supporting Robert Duvall

Friends and Supporters
Councilman Robert Duvall
(District 33)

Invite you to an evening at
The Standard Restaurant
167 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard
(formerly 8th Avenue, North)
Nashville, TN 37203

Thursday, June 23, 2011
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
(Suggested Minimum Donation, $100)

Hosts and Supporters of Councilman Duvall

Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey
Senator Jack Johnson
Senator Douglas Henry
Representative Jim Gotto
Representative Ben West, Jr. (retired)
Council Lady Karen Bennett
Councilman Michael Craddock
Councilman Eric Crafton
Councilman Duane Dominy
Mark Winslow
Tootie Haskins
Kathleen Starnes
Al Bodie
Anthony Roberts
Daniel Davis
Pat Carl
Shiri Anderson
Charles Williamson
Sharon Ford
Chuck Grimes
Neil & Sandra Chaffin
Ken Jakes
Bob Pope
George Gruhn
Don Spangler
Rod Williams
Frank & Scarlett Cappas
Lt. Col. Bob Garrison (retired)
Charvis Rand
Denise Andrews

I wholehearted endorse Robert Duvall's reelection. He is a principled, common-sense, hard-working, smart conservative who is not hesitant to identify himself as a Republican. He has done a lot to help build the Republican Party in Davidson County. He cares about his community, Nashville and his country. He supports limited government, private property rights and low taxes.  And, he is a caring, kind individual. He is a fighter. Because of his leadership and willingness to stand up to the administration, he is being targeted for defeat. We must reelect Robert Duvall. Please attend, contribute, volunteer and help spread the word. Rod

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