Wednesday, April 06, 2011

You can now order tickets for Atlas Shrugged Part 1

You can now order tickets for Atlas Shrugged Part 1 in Nashville at the Regal Hollywood 27, 719 Thompson Lane. This is the movie theater at 100 Oaks. The movie opens April 15, 2011. Make this a sold-out show! Tickets are still available. I just purchased my tickets for the 7:30 show.

Atlas Shrugged Fans Shock Theater Chains

Theater chains inundated with requests from fans. Producers look to expand to more than 80 Cities
CULVER CITY, Calif., April 1, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Based on the film’s recent fan-based grassroots uprising, “The Strike” Productions today announced it will be expanding the initial release of the Atlas Shrugged movie from 11 markets to over 50.

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