Tuesday, March 08, 2011

A Resturant Review: Maxwell House Hotel

On Saturday, the Davidson County Republican Party held its district caucuses at the Maxwell House Hotel. We had a good event. There was very little confusion and it did not last too long. The Maxwell House Hotel was very helpful and the meeting facility was set up correctly and on time and  and we did not run out of coffee. I commend the meeting facility staff.

After the caucus meetings, about a dozen of us went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. The breakfast buffet was still out but the staff said we could not eat from the breakfast buffet as if was time to put out the lunch buffet but we could order breakfast from the breakfast menu. This made no sense to me. There was still plenty of food on the buffet and it still looked fresh. No one was lined up waiting for the lunch buffet. Anyway, we ordered breakfast from the menu.

It seemed to take a long time to get served  and to get our order. The staff was not prompt in keeping our coffee filled. When the food finally arrived, everyone got their order except Louella and I. Finally, we got our order but by that time almost everyone else in our party was finished eating. When my order did arrive, it was wrong. I had ordered light scrambled eggs and got over-easy eggs. They offered to take it back and replace it, but I had waited so long already I did not let them.

To further add insult to injury, when I got my bill there as an automatic 18% gratuity added. I would not recommend eating at the Maxwell House Hotel.

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