Saturday, March 26, 2011

The first vote on wine in food stores is happening next Tuesday.

March 24, 2011


It’s four years in the making. The first vote on wine in food stores is happening next Tuesday.  

The Senate State & Local Government Committee is scheduled to hear testimony about wine sales in food stores and vote on our preferred bill, SB 0316. The committee meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. in LP12 at Legislative Plaza.  

This vote is a big deal—an affirmative vote gets the ball rolling through the rest of the legislature.  

We need to show the nine committee members how much consumer support there is for wine in food stores by filling the room with as many Red White and Food members as possible. If ever there was a time to show your support, that time is now.  

We’d love to see you at the hearing. If you work downtown, please consider taking an early lunch. Our bill is the first item on the agenda, so the vote should be over by 11 a.m. Here’s a Google Map for Legislative Plaza. Parking is available at the Sheraton on 7th and Union or other nearby lots. Please plan to arrive by 10 a.m.—a Red White and Food team member will be outside Legislative Plaza on the corner of 6th and Union and can direct you where to go.


We understand that many of you have jobs or other commitments that make it difficult to attend in person. You can watch the live streaming video here starting at 10:30 CT Tuesday. In the left-hand column, click “State and Local Government.” If you can’t watch live, it should be archived on the site.   We’ll also tweet during the hearing, so follow @RedWhiteFood for updates.


If the bill is voted out of committee, it will go to the full Senate for a vote. A House committee will also have to hear testimony and vote before it would go to the full House.  

If the bill is not voted out of committee, there’s still hope. Our sponsors have introduced other bills that would allow wine sales in food stores.  

We’ll send a follow-up e-mail after the vote to let you know what happened and what the next steps are.


We’ve worked hard for this moment for four years. But none of this would be possible without the support of you and the thousands of Red White and Food members who have contacted legislators.  

Thanks for everything you’ve done so far—we’re getting so close to the day where we can buy a bottle of wine where we buy our food.  


You can connect with us at any of the following:  

Don’t forget that you can also reach us by e-mail any time at  

Thanks again for all your support.

A toast to success, Red White and Food Team

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