Sunday, February 22, 2009

Huge payout for UT president would be a disgrace

by Gail Kerr, The Tennessean, Feb. 22, 2009

Recent presidents of the University of Tennessee have not been very good to our state. But the state sure has been good to them.

The last three presidents have all resigned under fire. The most recent is UT President John Petersen, who unexpectedly announced he was quitting last week. Even though he did not have a contract, he is eligible to receive 16 months of pay for doing nothing. That amounts to more than half a million dollars, to hang out at home. (link)


This is a great editorial from Gail Kerr. She details the history of our pevious UT presidents who also were fired or forced out and how they also got golden parachutes.

As Gail says, "Giving John Petersen almost 16 months of pay to do nothing is shameful. It is an insult to every hard-working Tennessee taxpayer who is struggling to make ends meet right now."

Gail: Congratulation on this article. Please do not let this issue die. Hold the feet of the UT trustees to the fire. Call for their resignation. Make the candidates for Govenor take a stand on this issue.

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1 comment:

  1. At a time when programs at UT are being cut for this guy to take that money is shameful. It really shows that he cares more about the money than the university. No real surprise I guess. The 90 package given to Fulmer was privately raised so it didn't actually take money from student programs; the same thing can't be said for this money. Sad.
